
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Twitter Client For Chrome

Hi..try this extensions for Chrome named Skeet.Easy and simple twitter client, you can access while browsing..
Screenshoot Skeet Twitter Client:

Simple step: just go to this link then install, done!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Save Your Document on Image File

Attention: Under Windows
Example you have file named document.doc and image file named image.jpg, here's how saved your .doc file into your .jpg file.

Step 1
Open up your command prompt (cmd)

Step 2
Compress your .doc file by using winrar or zipper into .zip file. In this case exampled document.doc zipped become

Step 3
Type on your command prompt just like this
copy /b result.jpg

result.jpg is the name of file as the result the combination and image.jpg just a new file that we made.

How to open it?
Just set your new file (the result of combination) in this case result.jpg open with winrar or you just unpack/unzip the result.jpg


Monday, November 1, 2010

The Internet and Human Social Behaviour

Resource: Byte Library

Nowdays, internet becoming the power in every aspect of life. The internet accessed from many country and many people in all around the world. The changes of social human behaviour causing the user needs. Now, the user wants a practical process. The Internet can answer the needs of user in practical process. I can mention the benefit of internet in practical process such an online reservation. It is more facilitated the user than a manual way.

For example the popular online reservation are hotel, travel, or ticketing. Online reservation such ticketamerica website is the ticketing online reservation. It presents the tickets of all the events held in Ammerica.The ticketamerica website makes the user more comfortable for reservation the ticket.

Overall the benefit of internet is influence in every part of life. Practical process in reservation ticket such ticketamerica website is save the time for the user. So, having a good reservation for you all...


Monday, October 18, 2010

Links Your Foursquare Into Facebook

Have an Foursquare and Facebook ID??, if should try connecting both Foursquare and Facebook.

Step 1
Go to Fourquare then stick to Setting. You can see in the menu "Linked Accounts". There are two suggestion for linking the Foursquare, with your Twitter or Facebook. In this case, we're linked the Facebook.

Step 2
See the picture of Facebook Logo, then click link Link to your Facebook Account

Step 3
Go on click the button Login with Facebook

Step 4
You'll see the pops-up for allowing the Foursquare into Facebook

Click Allow and there you go the Foursquare have linked into your Facebook.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How To Put iPhone in Recovery Mode

Follow these step:

Step 1
Open iTunes then connect your iPhone into your Win or Mac

Step 2
Press the Home button and the Sleep/Wake button at the same time. While you doing this, the screen goes black then release the Sleep/Wake button, but still continue hold the Home button.

Step 3
While holding the Home button, the iTunes pops up the message telling you that iPhone in recovery mode.

and the screen will look like this


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ubuntu One: Sync Contacs on iPhone

Here's the way to sync contacts on your iPhone by using Ubuntu One.
STEP 1 : on your desktop

  1. Sign-in to Ubuntu One.

  2. Click Contacs-->Edit phone syncing (beta)

  3. Used username and password for your Ubuntu One on iPhone.

STEP 2: on your iPhone

  1. Download Ubuntu One in App Store.

  2. Set your account using username and password that already you have.

  3. It's ready to sync.


Facebook and Twitter on Gmail

You can add a gadget in your Gmail. Here the steps:
1. Go to your Google Mail
2. Press the Setting --> Labs. Enable the "Add any gadget by URL" then save it.

Next steps:
1. Find a XML gadget for Gmail or iGoogle
2. Go to Setting-->Gadget fill the gadget URL then save.

Gadget URLs:
Twitter -
Facebook -



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